Tuesday, October 17, 2017

#74 Staring into the sun + 3:33

Today this was in my memories on Facebook

(I remember the exact day I first saw this picture and how it made me feel)

"Lately, everything in our life feels like it’s so much, so big, all the time. It’s like looking directly at the sun. You can’t, or it would be too much." 

I read these words this morning on one of my favorite blogs and felt something stir so deep in my soul. I knew these words. They were ME right at that moment.

Have you ever found yourself going through something in life that you just can't explain? Something so BIG it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you're having to carry it uphill? Balancing it. Shifting the weight of it all from side to side, being sure and careful with each step as not to falter. Feeling like it's so insurmountable? Well, let me tell you this has been my world for the last couple of months.

I have woken up every night (morning actually) at 3:33, worried and restless, since this past Friday. Even when I try to fight it, and lay there with  my head covered, not wanting to look at the clock. Once I do...it's 3:33.  Me being the crazy person I am. Being so sure that in some way God and the universe are always trying to teach me something new, I Googled (cause well Google knows everything) "Scriptures 3:33".
This is what the first item was.

Immediately I felt my spirit totally understand. So tonight/tomorrow if I wake at 3:33 I will do just that. 

Isn't it just amazing to know that even in my ugliness he hears me. He sees my pain, insecurities, all my weakness. He let's me know he is here. He understands. He is in control.

I guess sometimes we just need to look directly at the SON.

Until next time

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