Monday, October 23, 2017

#75 Homecoming + Easy Breezy

This weekend was another item checked off our list of things to do in our new city. We did Homecoming Football at Baylor (click on the link). It was such a fun event. So much to see and do.

Our view of the field

That bonfire though!! Picture Via Google
Believed to be the longest Collegiate parade in the nation (Click here to read all about it's history)

We were given an incredible gift of two tickets to the game. This was my fist ever experience of anything in a stadium (I am such a country girl I know. I totally need to experience new things a little more). I have never been to a pro game of any kind, much less a college one. I was beyond excited!!

Mister and I started the afternoon festivities with a walk on campus. Another first for us. In a years time, we have never done anything together on campus. As we strolled passed Fountain Mall, my heart began to fill with so much gratitude.

Picture Via Google. I forgot to get a picture as we passed. Isn't it beautiful at night? 

Have you ever been so focused on situations happening in your life, that you literally can't see the forest for the trees? That has been me for some time now. However, in that moment, strolling along with this amazing person by my side, I was able to see the forest in all it's Majesty.  Seeing all that God has given us in such a small amount of time. In that moment I took my eyes off what I thought was the big picture and saw so many little blessings all around me. Isn't it funny how God speaks to us when we least expect it. He has been so very, very good to us.

We made our way across the bridge over the Brazos River (pronounced Braz-zus. Remember assimilation. I think we are almost there) heading towards McLane Stadium.

On our walk back to the car. This guy is everything to me. 

You could feel the electricity in the air. Students, Alum and the like, all in anticipation of the anthem, the jets flying overhead, the fireworks. And then....

The Baylor Line!! (There is no way to describe it unless you click here)

Picture via Baylor Website

This is a sight to behold. Hundreds of students running across the field, making two lines that would soon welcome their beloved BEARS to the field!!

Sadly, we lost in a nail-biter at the end but we felt like winners nonetheless.

On our drive back home, with Taco Bell wafting through the car, I felt at peace with the world.

In other news, there is this!!

It's Fall Y'all!! And all God's people said AMEN!

So until next time sweet friends. Take time to look for your small blessing all around you every day.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

#74 Staring into the sun + 3:33

Today this was in my memories on Facebook

(I remember the exact day I first saw this picture and how it made me feel)

"Lately, everything in our life feels like it’s so much, so big, all the time. It’s like looking directly at the sun. You can’t, or it would be too much." 

I read these words this morning on one of my favorite blogs and felt something stir so deep in my soul. I knew these words. They were ME right at that moment.

Have you ever found yourself going through something in life that you just can't explain? Something so BIG it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you're having to carry it uphill? Balancing it. Shifting the weight of it all from side to side, being sure and careful with each step as not to falter. Feeling like it's so insurmountable? Well, let me tell you this has been my world for the last couple of months.

I have woken up every night (morning actually) at 3:33, worried and restless, since this past Friday. Even when I try to fight it, and lay there with  my head covered, not wanting to look at the clock. Once I's 3:33.  Me being the crazy person I am. Being so sure that in some way God and the universe are always trying to teach me something new, I Googled (cause well Google knows everything) "Scriptures 3:33".
This is what the first item was.

Immediately I felt my spirit totally understand. So tonight/tomorrow if I wake at 3:33 I will do just that. 

Isn't it just amazing to know that even in my ugliness he hears me. He sees my pain, insecurities, all my weakness. He let's me know he is here. He understands. He is in control.

I guess sometimes we just need to look directly at the SON.

Until next time

Friday, October 6, 2017

#73 Fatty Two Hands

“Nobody can fully understand the meaning of love unless he’s owned a dog. A dog can show you more honest affection with a flick of his tail than a man can gather through a lifetime of handshakes.” – Gene Hill

These words brought me such comfort today. Sunday we said goodbye to our Augustus McCrae.  

He was the best and worst dog all wrapped up in one. Stubborn and head strong as the day is long. He could infuriate you and then with a blink of an eye be the sweetest thing ever. Everyone loved this crazy guy. We knew from the day we picked him out he belong to us. It's was just meant to be. 

Isn't his little mustache adorable? 

Then it disappeared under that drippy, snarling (is that a word?), big nose of his

He was the most adorable puppy ever. Kind, sweet and oh so gentle...

And then this happened...What a bullheaded, temperamental beast he was. He had a love/hate relationship with his Vet. 

He loved his brother Dufus dearly. 

And the kids...don't even get me started. They brought him so much JOY and vise versa

Lounging is where he excelled. 

I'm sure this post will be hard for my family to read. Tears will be shed and fond crazy memories brought back to mind. 

God blessed us with many memorable years and for that we are thankful. 

See you later Fatty Two Hands

Friday, September 22, 2017

#72 Gardens and First Mondays

How has it been well over month since I last posted? Where does the time go?

Gosh, where to being?

First off, I know that I said I would do better about posting every day but my computer at home has other plans. After about 8 years of dutiful service, my trusty computer has decided that it no longer would like to do the same things I need it to. Surfing the web has now become more of a drowning than a surf. Good Lord is it irritating. My tablet will work, but I can't post pictures to the blog. How tragic is that I ask you? In the presence of all this, I have reconciled myself to knowing that if I am making the effort to still find the joy, and the truly good things in each day, I am fulfilling my word to God.

Now on to Gentry and Central Texas news. Life is going great. Fall I do believe is trying to make it's way into Central Texas. The weather last week was been beyond beautiful. Mornings in the high 50's with the daytime high not reaching 90. It's was glorious!  This week however has been brutal. Not Imperial Valley brutal...brutal none the less.  I can't wait for the sound of crunchy leaves beneath my feet and the warmth of my favorite big sweater. I do love me some Fall y'all. Isn't it just the happiest time of the year? Saying goodbye to the lazy days of summer and gearing up for the chilly, foggy mornings of Autumn. Feeling the anticipation in the air for cold Friday night football games, ghost and goblins knocking on my door and the gathering of family to give thanks. OH FALL YOU ARE JUST SO FINE!

The summer garden is now pulled up and gone, making room for a winter crop.

Isn't he adorable? 

I honestly doubt we will get anything planting in time so fingers crossed for something in Spring.

Look who is back to is adorable old self. Getting those nasty teeth pulled was the the best thing ever. 

There has been absolutely no movement on the chicken front. Somehow I get the feeling that Mister isn't as in to it as I am?  By some strange twist of events the materials page is thrown away "missing" from the coop building instructions. Could it be the universe isn't on board with my whole chicken venture? Hmm maybe OR there might be some stall tactics in progress. Either way, for the moment I seem to be OK with this holding pattern.

One day this will be mine. 

In other news. I may or may not have tried to kill my mother a few weeks ago. Again another quirky idea of mine not fully thought through. Before everyone gets all "Oh my goodness I hope she's OK". Yes she is fine. 

If you like flee markets then this tidbit is just up your alley. 

There is a town in Texas named Canton (oddly the name of the street I live on as well). Once a month, this small little town turns into the largest flee market in America. With that said, can you now see my interest in wanting to go check out what this is all about? So we set out for the little over two hour drive north east. We had an amazing breakfast at this little out of the way diner that Taylor suggested we try. The portions were huge! I mean ginormous. Even Mister was a little taken aback by the size of the plate set before him. Oh my goodness that food though. I am still thinking about my patty melt (I wasn't' in the mood for breakfast). Glorious I tell you. Probably the best decision we made for the rest of the day...maybe. 

We arrived at the parking lot about half a mile away. The anticipation of what I was about to see filled me with excitement. Mister and Mama weren't feeling as joyful as I about the trek just to get inside the gate. 

I should have seen this picture BEFORE we arrived

Oh my, my, my. What laid out before me was a sight. Rows and rows of tents and tables filled with what I could only assume were insurmountable treasures that I surly needed and would absolutely die if I didn't try to find them. There were small bridges to cross just to see more rows of items on that side. Lord have mercy it was something to see.

Now mind you, I was here strictly to find vintage/antique/one of a kind items for my chicken coop, patio and garden shed walls. As Mama and I started looking down the first couple of rows, we realized this truly was in fact a LARGE place and we would need to pace ourselves. About the second isle, of the first quadrant, leading to what had to be at least several thousand (yes thousand) vendors ahead, we began to feel the heat of the sun on our heads. We did not plan for any head gear protection, so our focus now shifted to big floppy hats to wear while being enthralled by the tables and tents before us. About row #3 and hour one, still no hats, and now beads turning into rivers of sweat began to flow.  I found a snack shack and sat mama down to rest with a cold drink while I continued the search for our floppy hats that would surely save the day. 

By this time it is now well past noon and already reaching 100 degrees. I began to question my decision making skills for this outing. Ah success!! I found a place with hats. As I returned to where I left mama, I realized I to was now way more uncomfortable than I would like to admit. We decided to trudge onward and try staying in locations the provided shade.  As I looked back Mama was starting to slow a little. Then a little more. Being burned by the sun and now wearing a completely soaked top I asked mama if she would like to head back the way we came, work our way back to the air conditioned building we came in through. YES...She was all about that idea!  By the time we reached the building she was done. She needed to sit down and fast. Unable to catch her breath at this point. I now felt like I had highly underestimated Fist Monday's in Canton and the Texas heat. We were in fact defeated. We sat for a bit while she collected herself and got her feet back under her.  We retreated indoors to the AC and shelter from the sun. We sat for a bit cooling off and people watching, still deeply impressed by what little we did get to see. By the time we reached the car and were on the drive home, we began to plan our next trip to Canton. Certainly in cooler weather and more importantly, armed with the necessary survival kit required to navigate the Flee Markets of Texas. 

That's all for today. Fingers crossed there will be more updates to come soon. Until then my sweet readers. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

#69 Snap Back View

This is the view heading to see the chiropractor. I think Mister will need extra adjustments after I made him snap around to get this unbelievable picture. Do you believe I get to live here? 
Oh SoCal I miss you but you sure didn't have views like this. 

#68 Thirty-One Reasons why

I have told Mister for as long as I've known him. If you want to profess your love for me. Don't send me silly valentine cards or candy. Flowers, eh not really either.

If you really. And I mean REALLY want to show me how much you love me. Do it in August! When I am cranky, hot and am at my wits end with summer. He knows my struggle well.

so today I have decided to flip the script and profess my love for him.

Thirty-One summers with me...This man deserves a medal.

1.  His sense of Humor. He has a sharp quick wit and it keeps me on my toes.
2.  He thinks I'm smart
3.  He is steady. Most people would think that is boring. For me that is about the best things ever.
4.  He really only speaks if he has something to say. He dislikes mindless chatter for the sake of noise.
5. He is honorable.
6. He's giving. If he has something then everyone has something.
7. When he drinks enough he will dance with me.
8.  He doesn't take himself too serious.
9.  He loves his job. It truly is his bliss.
10. He cares about my happiness.
11. He's loyal. Almost to a fault
12. He loves our children but isn't afraid to hurt their feelings.
13. Our grandchildren will refer to him as grumps instead of gramps. It's endearing to me in some way.
14. He admits when he's wrong.
15. He talks to his mama often.
16. He's a great handyman. He can fix almost anything
17. He has a best friend from Kindergarten. I'm oddly jealous of this one. It's hard to believe he has history before me or that I don't know about.
18. He embraces my crazy
19. He loves my family like his own.
20. He doesn't worry. At.  All. That drives me nuts.
21. His passions run deep and don't waiver. Faith, family, country, trucks and football
22. He doesn't shy away from hard situations. "Look them in the eye and tell them the truth" he says. It will work out every time.
23. He loves our dogs. Maybe even more than cats now. That is an amazing feat.
24. He tells me when I'm wrong. He doesn't go along with things for the sake of convenience.
25. He cares deeply
26. He loves my mama. Will usually be the first to help her with the heavy lifting.
27. He's stoic. Never dramatic in any way.
28. He's a great leader though he will never admit it.
29. He holds my hand when I'm nervous.
30. His internal GPS. I'm never lost when were together.
31. He loves me like nothing I have ever experienced before.
I could go on and on...
Most of all, he understands my sincere dislike for heat, and summer, and loves me through it until FALL arrives. He's a keeper Y'all.

#67 Summer blues

Have I mentioned that I am OVER Summer??

If not, let me just say. "Summer we need to start seeing other people. It's not you, it's me."
I just need some space and distance from you for awhile.
Our time together has been fun. So many great memories but I'm just not feeling myself anymore.

This is my current feeling of the weather these days. There is no significant rain or cooler weather in site.

Lawd, if your listenin'? Could you please, please, please just let this be over soon? I am so ready for Fall.