Tuesday, August 1, 2017

#54 Dog Days of Summer

So it's been a few days since I have posted. There are SO many things happening and all at the same moment so I am not sure where to start...

It's Hot y'all and there's been no rain for a couple of weeks now. That however is about to be over soon enough. Check out the forecast for next next several days. THANK YOU JESUS!

 It might even be chilly Wednesday morning. Isn't that just a FINE thing? 

Our lives are growing and stretching more and more ever day. Texas is beginning to feel like my favorite pair of jeans...fits just right.  So comfortable and relaxed. Bringing out the best in yourself. Showing off in all the right spots. Does that make any sense?

The whole reason for this journal. Finding GOOD in the every day

The last several months have had their moments for sure. The uncertainty of it all. Not sure where some things were headed but all the while leaving them in God's hands. He brought us to Texas for a reason and he would navigate us through these growing pains.  My friends he is doing just that.

The last several days feel so familiar, like back in Cali familiar.  There's been tons of laughter in our home, some great food off the grill, cold beer flowing and talks of fishing and hunting.
The people and towns are really starting to feel like home. Like we belong.  No longer an outsider looking in. These are all GOOD THINGS for sure.

The biggest things I am grateful for is our #throwawaypuppy Dufus, Dr. Range and everyone at Mart Veterinary Clinic 

He wouldn't look at me for nothin'.  He may have just been violated examined.

Y'all hes been really sick the last couple of days.  Dr. Range and his staff are simply the best. They comforted him and loved on him like he was their own. He is home on bed rest for the next day or so.  We love this dog beyond belief. To even think that he might not be with us some day is heartbreaking, but nonetheless a reality. So until Jesus calls him home, we will love him and give him the best life possible. He will love us right back and fill our hearts with more joy than imaginable.

He has a note to stay out of the heat and sleep on any bed, sofa or recliner he deems worthy.
Gotta love the dog days of summer I guess.

Still not ready to look at me but slowly starting to forgive the intrusion of his personal space.  
Isn't he just the most handsome thing ever? 

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