Thursday, August 17, 2017

#64 Saturday happenings

Oh Saturday how I adore you.

I get to sleep in and my day usually consists of a few "adulting items" but mostly just tons of happy accidents.

First we started with this amazingness!!

Oh Whataburger you never do me wrong. It was buttery, salty, eggy, sausagey goodness. Just the thing to start the day off right.

Then we finished some errands. Grabbed a few groceries and headed home for the most amazing delivery ever.

Lawd help him. He was in lawn mowing heaven.

After a couple of hours of honing his new craft, he managed to get this deliciousness on the grill.

For all my Texas friends out there. This is TRI TIP.  You must try it some day. Brisket is king around here but I promise it won't disappoint. We have only been able to find it at one place locally so far. It is worth the drive to Marlin and the hefty price per pound.  

What a glorious Saturday!  

Until tomorrow....

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