Thursday, August 17, 2017

#63 Retreating the day away

Today was my first company retreat ever. Is that weird? Maybe. I don't know?
If I were in my 20's, I would say no. Pushing hard and fast on 50 though it might be a little odd. Apparently my career in construction did NOT have perks.

I am a firm believer that the GPS in my car has frequent laughs at my expense. I imagine the woman behind the voice, leans back in here chair at her office cubical and tells everyone to come watch what she's about to do to me.

So while trying to this gem of a place.

My GPS landed me here. "Your destination is ahead on the left".

I was not falling for it one bit.
I soon learned this was Jacobs Ladder and my destination is at the top of that hill.
Can you say recalculating?

I proceeded in a forward motion (Not upward) and finally made it to my destination. I didn't feel so badly when I found out that several Wacoan's had similar situations and one was escorted in by the park ranger.

I still can't get used to this scenery around here.

There were yard games, yoga (clearly I didn't participate #theycallmegrace) and tons of conversation.  Have I mentioned how much I love where I work? If not, then let me just tell ya. It's just about the finest thing ever. I am blessed beyond what I deserve.

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