Tuesday, August 8, 2017

#58 Mornin' Sunrise + Garden Blooms

This was the view out my windshield this morning. I headed out the door early and was greeted with a beautiful cloudy sunrise.

That Texas sunrise gets me feeling all kinds of things

God really does show off his work in the Texas sky. It still catches me unaware at times and takes my breath away.

Just a little sprinkle in the morning for good measure

In other news. Dufus made another visit to the Vet today. This time to get some really bad teeth pulled. Let's just say when I picked him up after work, he looked at me with a bitter taste in his mouth. I don't think I'm his favorite person at the moment.

P. S. Check out this garden! It has gone bonkers. We haven't harvested any fruits or veggies yet, but I'm feeling like very soon we will have some Okra in the fryer. OH MY GOODNESS! YUM

Okra...YES please 

Taylor's cat Calliope Jane. (Black Magic as we call her)

Okra Bloom. Isn't it just so pretty?  

Snap Beans with Bacon is just FINE eatin'

Our first Texas garden. We started way late in the season but that is OK 

P.P.S I may have been in bed by 7:45 and asleep before 8:30. I have a problem y'all. I'm too young to be going to bed this early right? It's truly a problem for me. I'm ready to go to sleep by 8:00 most nights. What will my 60"s and 70's look like. Poor Mister. Thank goodness he loves me right?

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