Thursday, August 17, 2017

#65 Sunday fixin's

Lookie Here!! Lookie Here!!

I made these with my own two hands ( in the voice of Annelle Dupu Desoto from Steel Magnolia)

Mile High 7 UP Biscuits. They were just about the finest thing ever. Yesterdays biscuits and then again today. I do believe I am a biscuit lover.

Then I felt so good about my first creation, I decided to be adventurous and try another.

It wasn't hard to do at all. I wasn't able to find canned chili's so I took fresh ones and boiled till soft and tender.

Followed the rest of the recipe closely...

And pulled cheesy, bubbly goodness out.
Wouldn't you know it. I forgot to take the final picture. The one that really matters.
It was really good.  I think it will be more of a breakfast casserole for us but still good.
The pan was cleaned in no time so I will call this a Sunday Fixin' success.

Till tomorrow.

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