Thursday, August 3, 2017

#55 What the fuzz?

It's still raining y'all.

This was the view from my windshield this morning. 
Obviously not the whole drive to work...or was it?

As I am driving down the road to work I kept thinking to myself, "Gee it's awfully fuzzy out there this morning?"

Wipers are working

Hmmm it's still kind of blurry? What the heck?

As I reach to adjust my glasses, you know, just in case. I realize a very import fact about why everything is blurry, fuzzy and just plain out of focus.

What is missing from this picture?

This brought on a whole new set of questions!?!?
Where are my glasses? Did I bring them?
Oh gosh they're on the nightstand.
Wait! Did I check my hair and makeup before I left, you know because I can't see that great, hence the glasses in the first place?
Oh gosh do I look OK? Surely Taylor would have said something when I asked her how I looked, as I do every morning. Does she even really look at me? Has she even been paying attention at all?
Mom saw me this morning so surely she would have said something. Wait did she have her glasses on? Crap I can't remember! Well that's no help. I probably get my blindness from her.
Geez can I trust anyone of them in our house?

This was the downward spiral happening on my twenty minute drive to work.
Oh you know. Just an average Thursday in my world. Thank goodness Jesus loves this hot mess.

In other news. There has been small movement on the chicken front. We currently are in possession of the PDF plans to build the coop.
You can read more about my chicken venture dreams here and here

Progress y'all. Now let's see how long it takes Mister to build the magnificent abode that will be Chez Pullet. (Ha see what I did there)

In Dufus news. He is feeling better today. Thank you all for your prayers.  He'll be back running the pasture before we know it.

Until tomorrow...

If there are any grammatical errors we can totally blame it on the glasses (or lack of) today...right?

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