Wednesday, July 5, 2017

#29 Happy Birthday America

It's July 4th y'all!! This is my Mister's Christmas. He absolutely loves this day! It wasn't exactly the same without the little ones here to share in his excitement for explosives, fire and food. The fact that we are now in Texas and he can legally use the BIG stuff makes him giddy. We bought a few fireworks to set off at the house.  I think it was just enough to tide him over until New Year's. Did I mention we can set fireworks off on New Years in Texas and NOT go to jail.  I think it does however take just a little of the fun out of it for Mr. Bill.  He likes to dabble on the rebellious side of life every now and again. Bad boys are fun am I right?

My little Yankee Doodle kiddos in El Paso 

I had a craving for burgers and dogs, so dinner was super easy. Isn't there something magical about eating simple food. The food you had when you were a kid. You could grab it and go. Sparkler in one hand and hot dog in the other. That just about as american as it gets. We even had apple cobbler. Well apple and peach cobbler made specially by WalMart. It was pretty darn good if you ask me. I might have to have another piece tomorrow night with some vanilla ice cream...even more American.

Gosh don't you just love summer time, when the breeze is blowing, the fireflies are floating around careless and fireworks are lighting up the night sky? Sitting in our lawn chairs looking up into that big Texas sky. Watching it light up with amazing colors. God really is good isn't he? So with a full hear and satisfied bellies, I say goodnight and Happy Birthday America.

America! America! God shed his grace on thee. And crowned they good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. 

Night Y'all...

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