Thursday, July 20, 2017

#42 - #44 Turtle Pace + Kitchen Sink

As I mentioned yesterday the internet is down. Well not down exactly but not working still the same. This entry will cover several days since I am unable to update my journal.

"Sweet baby Jesus send us some Wifi miracles... please N thank you
Also forgive some of the words I may have uttered in distress. Windstream is NOT the devil"

I am writing these with hopes they reach you at some point. If not well they can just buffer out there in the universe.  This journal though is only about the good stuff so let's move on.

Our kitchen sink faucet had been on it's last leg for oh about a year now. Yes a year.
Well today we played taps (ha get it) for the poor corroded 1990's (if I had to guess how old) piece of kitchen hardware.  Here now lies the problem. Why is it we always put off what needs to be done? Then when the situation gets VERY REAL we have to scramble to fix it. Thankfully our little WalMart in Marlin Texas, had just the right faucet and the perfect price (you know how things get tight right before payday).

I was almost sure we were going to be the folks washing dishes in the garage sink until Friday. Even worse in the yard in a pail...Have Mercy

"Oh those California folks, they just can't get it together", is what my minds tell me our neighbors think.

Thank you Jesus for sending me to the right store, at the right time, with just the right amount of money left in my wallet. God is so good y'all.

P.S. I promise I will get better about documenting our days with actual photos of real life events, instead of finding meme's that correlate and make me laugh at the same time.

P.P.S Nothing of great importance or significant goodness happened on Tuesday or Wednesday except for the fact that our AC is chuggin' right along. It's hot here but not Imperial Valley HOT so that is A GOOD THING for sure.

Until tomorrow friends or whenever you see this. I will keep repeating "Windstream is not the devil" until I am convinced.

P.P.P.S What movie is the quote from? Any takers? It's one of my favorites. Here's a hint. It's not a movie about turtles but this meme made me laugh. I might have also watched this movie in the last 10 days or so.
Inappropriate song I know. It's the gangster in my I tell ya!

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