Tuesday, July 25, 2017

#50 Frankenfoot + Tippy Toes

Two more weeks y'all!!! Two more weeks with this Frankenfoot. Have Mercy...

However, the good news is that it's healing. Doc says it's just slow going. He mentioned thin bones?
Osteoporosis!? These are words doctors use with my mama. I am not ready for these types of talks yet. Almost 50? The dreaded M...pause word! When did this all happen I ask you? (Sorry all you male readers. All one of you. We'll get back to better topics soon promise)

In other news,  it's Taco Tuesday and we are having Poor Mans Chop Suey (It's actually really good. Thanks Aunt Rita for showing us your Filipino ways) for dinner . I mean come on! The Gentry's are slipping in all kinds of ways. On the upside I can see Thirsty Thursday if I stand on my tippy toes. Or is it tipsy toes? Either way I feel like a drink will be in my near future.

Till tomorrow sweet friends.

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