Monday, July 24, 2017

#48 Hart of Dixie + Rain + Caldo De Res

Not much happened today except a whole lot of sitting with mama watching Hart Of Dixie.

We would watch a few episodes and then get some chores done. Come back and watch a few more. We've almost finished season one.

There is something I love so much about cheesy television. I can't wait for Signed, Sealed, Delivered to come back on. What a sucker (wait, we discussed that yesterday).

We finally got some rain today. We hadn't had any for a couple of weeks. I love a good rain now. At first when we moved here, the thunder and lightning would scare me.  Now I hear the rumble in the distance and I run to open the door. Oh the smell, the breeze, the sound of it coming down. I now get why there are so many songs written about rain. It puts you in such a peaceful state of mind. I'm still not a fan of those crazy storms, the ones where it sounds like the world is about to come to an end right over your house. Yeah I can do without those.

I put on a pot of Caldo de Res and mama and I sat and lazily spent the rest of the afternoon in Blue Bell Alabama with that crazy Lemon Breeland and lovable Zoe Hart. I haven't gotten to season two yet but I am so hoping that Zoe hooks up with Wade Kinsella. I can't see here with George Tucker at all. No spoilers y'all. Mama knows what is about to happen next but I have sworn her to secrecy.

God bless Netflix and good wifi on a rainy Sunday afternoon...the stuff GOOD THINGS are made of.

P.S. Game of Thrones y'all. Lord have mercy.

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