Wednesday, July 5, 2017

#28 4th of July weekend

So as y'all know I am a little behind on my posts and I haven't been feeling my best SO suffice it to say I need to get back on track.

This weekend was simply great. My son and part of the family were in town for a quick visit. I didn't get any pictures except for Lexi using snapchat filters. Isn't she just beautiful?

It still amazes me that she is almost a teenager. Where has the time gone? We laid on the bed together and just spent time talking, taking pictures and being present in each others life. Sonny Boy spent his weekend getting to know #WacoTown and all it has to offer. I think they just might be hooked.

They left early this morning and headed back to El Paso to meet up with the rest of the kids and spend time with Diana's sister and her family.

It always makes me nervous when they drive out. It's such a long way and the road is so hard on cars but I am thankful and my heart is full when they arrive and my spirit is renewed until the next visit.

Please say a little prayer for them for traveling mercy. I know God has them right in the palm of his hand.

P.S. Tomorrow is the 4th and It's Mr's favorite holiday. I love to see him in his happy place.

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