Thursday, July 6, 2017

#30 Short Hair + Winter is Coming

Lordy Lordy!! I totally forgot to mention that I got my hair cut. There is something so great about short hair. I think when you reach a certain age they call it mom hair.  I don't care what they call's pure magic for me. I hadn't cut my hair since November. It was so long and straggly looking drastic measures had to be taken.

With the summer heat and Texas size humidity I went short. It feels so awesome to just blow dry and go. It takes me 10 minutes tops to style it now versus at least 20 before. There is something to be said about short hair don't care.  Ain't it funny how now it would seem that I care more.  Short and Sassy is my summer theme.

P.S. In case you haven't heard yet...Winter is coming on the 16th. I love me some Game of Thrones.  Who will die this season? Who will die and live again? Who will fall in love? Who will kill their beloved? Sansa and Cerci have to go y'all! They are just too much. Their evil glares and conniving ways.  I am slowly rooting for the Mountain...he's grown on me. Aria and Jon Snow need to rule them all. Gosh I love this show. I may or may not have watched almost every episode since season one over the span of three days. One has to be up to date on all the happenings in the Seven Kingdoms. BTW no I have not read the books. I just can't even with those giant books. They make me feel overwhelmed just looking at them much less making sense of what's happening inside. Short and sappy are my kind of books. Long attention spans are not my forte.

P.P.S I might have also had another piece of that cobbler with vanilla ice cream. Soooo good y'all. 
This plate is just divine. 

After two bites I was done so Mister finished it off for me #sameteam 

1 comment:

  1. Love the Hair!! It looks great....Looking forward to Game of Thrones and of course MY Outlander. Need some Jaime in my life, Fraser not Lanister! Ohhhhh and the kilts! And, yes I've read all the books!
