Friday, July 7, 2017

#31 Hot Bath + Clean Sheets

Today was a great day until late afternoon. My head started to feel fuzzy and ache. My nose started to run and my throat got that all familiar tickle in it. Cold or allergies? Tomorrow morning will tell the tale. Feeling completely spent and achy, I quickly made dinner and headed for the only place that can make me feel better.

Oh hot bath how I love you. I am a hot bath lover. A connoisseur of hot steamy water and bath salts. I haven't yet tried a bath bombs but I'm sure they are divine.   What is it about a hot bath that soothes what ails me?  After a long soak I did the only thing remotely plausible...I got into bed. Isn't there something magical about the welcoming comfort of freshly washed sheets? The coolness of them wrapping around you. Glorious I tell you, just glorious. As I melted into the my bed this was on TV.

I love this show! The games they come up with. Doesn't it seem like the best party ever? I imagine how fun it would be to have a dinner party and play games like this with close friends. However my intense awkward nature always gets in the way of fantasies and reality.  Crazy I know. I have always imagined that I would be the best girlfriend anyone could have. Dinner parties and couples vacations would be my forte. And then my insane, awkward, introverted inner self rears her ugly head and talks me out of it all.  Who would of guessed that I am shy by nature. I know it doesn't seem plausible right?  It is not the image I project. Smoke and mirrors y'all. Smoke and Mirrors!

It would seem that I thrive in social settings. Not a stranger in the room. However, I am actually going spastic in my mind. A vortex of thoughts swirling around in my mind while I do my best to make conversation. How do I look? Did I say the right thing? I'm making a fool of myself!  It's exhausting the thoughts that ramble around in my head. So, I just avoid these settings as often as possible and stay to myself.  TOTALLY CRAZY I KNOW!! The struggle is real y'all. Oh well self help will be next thing on my ever growing lists. Ah lists, another joy of mine. If you've been following along you know of the attachment I have to them. Hmm I really should probably start to seek some profession help right?  As I am typing this all out I can plainly see that I am truly a HOT MESS! Touched and a little damaged if you will. Oh well thank goodness Jesus & Mister love me just the way I am...flaws and all.

So with benadryl in my system I bid you all goodnight. Until tomorrow my sweet readers.

P.S. It may have been still daylight out when I settled in bed for the night. Gosh I do live on the wild side don't I?

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