Monday, July 24, 2017

#49 Sharks + Monday

HA this made me actually LOL at work

Does anyone really LOL? I mean really?

Yes...yes I do!

In the Reception Area

Probably Louder than I should have

It's honestly probably not that funny but I LOL'ed anyway. I'm weird like that 

Be a SHARK Y'all

Happy Monday

P.S. I understand it's shark week on Animal Planet or NatGeo, one of those networks, and that Michael Phelps was supposed to race one. I haven't looked at why yet but I hear it might have been an epic fail. Who would win? Will the shark stay in his own lane? Great Gold Vs Great White! Ha made me laugh again.
(click the link to read that article that I haven't actually yet read, but am still using as a reference. I loved the tag lines though. It must be super correct and newsworthy right? I am doing this whole blog/journal thing all wrong. I am sure of it)

Why do people try to race animals? I just don't understand it. Hmm I'm probably wrong though.  Mister does say I'm a party pooper.

This also may have made me laugh just a little louder than I should have.

This was me snorkeling with my bestie in La Jolla Cove. 
Swim she said. You'll be fine she said. 
N O!!!
No I was not fine!!


  1. Haha you were amazingly brave! Super proud because you had to fight claustrophobia with the mask then you went swimming with sharks lol #braverthanuthinkuare

  2. Haha I don't know about brave. Remember Sucker is the word of the week LOL. Gosh I miss your stinkin face. Thanksgiving is coming soon.
