Monday, July 10, 2017

#35 Monday Blessing

As I have posted here and here, I have been having some tummy issues of late. Nothing too too terrible but enough to make me need to lie down at times. There has been a general feeling of just...well not good. I have gained back about 15 pounds of the Thirty I lost from 2015-2016. It's been a sad sad progression down hill. For the last several months I have been thinking of how much better I felt when I was taking Plexus and that I needed to get back on track. Our budget hasn't afforded me that luxury for the last several months. You know saving up for the chickens and all.

This morning walking in to work, I was approached by a coworker who knew I liked the products and wanted to give me a bag of Pink she was going to throw out. At first I couldn't take it. If you know anything about Plexus and the Pink Drink, it's kind of expensive. It was too generous a gift. She insisted. She liked the new flavor they recently came out with and was going to throw it out until she remembered our conversation.

Isn't it so great the way God answers even our quietest prayers?

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