Monday, July 24, 2017

#46 Have A Nice Day

Why thank you Texas, I will do just that.

Should read HAVE A NICE DAY 
I'm not good at taking photos while's illegal you know

I pass this sign going into work. Today it made me feel extra happy. The thought that someone took the time to type this out. Gosh Texas you make me swoon. 

P.S. In other news today was a very productive! I am now officially a legal Texan, license and all. It's only been a year but who's counting right. Picture is hideous as per the usual with me. 

P. P. S. This is my favorite view of the morning. I hope y'all's (Is that a word...sure why not) Friday is amazing. 

The Drive to my parking lot. Something about it makes the start of my day exciting. Hearing the birds sing and the squirrels run about. You should see it in the Fall. Gosh life is GOOD 


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