Monday, July 24, 2017

#47 Trees + Sucker

So my Saturday started off slow. I just wasn't ready to face the day. Then Mister says, "let's go work in the yard for a bit". Hmm "OK" was my quiet reply. I really wasn't feeling the yard at all. I would rather go look at antiques on LaSalle Ave. But I played along. What a sucker I am.

We started here.

This is the Crepe Myrtle behind the house in front of Grans window. I didn't get a before picture but let's just say it was difficult to walk under without getting smacked in the face with a limb.

Electric Saws are being handled with care

"Go get the wheelbarrow to clean it up now"  he said. 
Geez I'm a sucker for sure. 

Let me just stand under here for a bit and look at the neighbors pet.

Off he heads for the dreaded wheelbarrow. 
Uggghhh Acreage...we wanted acreage. Again what a sucker. 

No problem I be right here when your ready he replied. 
These trees were next.  (Can you see the garden? It's growing like crazy)

"Next weekend we're tackling the big tree in the front" he says.  
Have mercy. I think my foot hurts. I need to go lie down. 
He didn't fall for it 

1 comment:

  1. Imagine my delight when I pulled up in the back yard to find Tim balancing on a pallet on the fork lift (Yes, way up in the air) with a live chain saw removing a limb from one of the trees.......this is why Women live longer! SMDH......sigh....
