Wednesday, July 26, 2017

#51 Call me Ferdinand

Today I feel blissfully at peace. The possibilities of the day seem endless. Isn't it amazing how in what seems to be the midst of the storm, God sends peace.  The situation hasn't changed but your perspective has. Oh y'all can you feel it?  Just to be happy to be alive.

I'll just be here under the tree admiring the beauty of it all

If you haven't read the story about Ferdinand the Bull, you should.  I read it to my kids and grandchildren.

Ferdinand's goal in life was to smell the flowers. He wasn't interested in the day to day of being a Bull. He just wanted to take in the beauty of the world.

"Young Ferdinand does not enjoy butting heads with other young bulls, preferring instead to lie under a tree smelling the flowers."

It can be easy to go about "the butting of heads" of the day if you will.  To get caught up in the minutia of it all. However I find it so much more pleasurable and easy to live when we just stop and smell the flowers. Look at the beauty of life. Admire God's handy work.

Also Ferdinand got stung by a bee while doing just that. Hmm sound like anyone we know?
Just call me Ferdinand.

Is anyone else excited to see the movie? I know I am. Grand kids or not I will be there to see it.

Nothing else to report of the day except that there will be ribs and Mac N Cheese for dinner. Y E S!!

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