Thursday, July 20, 2017

#41 Disconnected + Super Soul Sunday

Fist of all this happened all day long! I may or may not have also watched this movie today. I can't look away when it's on TV.

Our Wifi has been out since yesterday. We are already at 75% of our Data on the phone!! Why O why is country living so hard? Hopefully it comes back up sometime today. I'm writing these journals hoping and praying they post. I am sure though that it's not great loss if they just stay buffering out there in the interwebs of life.

In other news, on Super Soul Sunday the author of The Shack was interviewed. It was so inspirational to hear how he wrote the book as a gift to his children and a few close friends for Christmas as he had nothing else to offer. O what a gift it was.

His take on life and how to forgive yourself in what seems like insurmountable and unforgivable life choices. How sometimes you just need to NOT be saved from life lessons, all in order to receive the greatest gifts of all. I loved hearing his story and listening to his take on life, faith and how to forgive. I hope your Sunday finds you well and happy. Remember to try and not be so hard on ourselves. Jesus loves us even in our hotmessiness (that's a new word I just made up).

P.S. It rained just a little today. We won't see anymore for a few weeks. That is such a strange concept now. To miss the rain instead of very rarely ever seeing any.

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