Thursday, July 20, 2017

#40 Love thy Brother

So this happened today.

Isn't it so amazing that even animals know how to help one another? Seeing this kindness today melted my heart.

Gus has developed an issue with his eyes and we think he might be going blind. So sad to think of such a thing. He is being a real trooper about it though. He meanders his way through the yard at a glacial pace make sure of each step. However, when there's food or a critter in the yard he gallops at full speed and may or may not cut corners too short or miss the curb or sidewalk just a little. So far nothing too major. He has an appointment with the vet soon.

Dufus' mouth has been hurting him for a bit now. He has some really bad teeth that he will be coming out in the near future. His breath is on a whole other level y'all.

I feel so bad for both my boys. They could use some prayers if you have the time. They truly are such a blessing in our lives.

Moral of another. It's one of the main tasks God asks of us. Above all else, love one another.

P.S. Lots of this is happening this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. There should be a video in the blank space. Boo! I guess just one more thing to figure out in this blogging world.
