Friday, June 30, 2017

#27 Tummy Time + Lexi

Sad to say but my tummy is still not feeling at it's best. Food is not my friend at the time, but this journal is my happy place so let me tell you about the most amazing soup I had today. It was Italian Wedding soup with the most amazing meatball. Those meatball y'all...I think we should be Facebook official.  This had to be in my top 10 best soups of all time. I hope it's served on a frequent rotation.I love having access to the dining halls at work!!  Full time permanent has it's perks.  The Jello was...just jello. Nothing fancy about that. However my stomach did hurt less after eating softer food. I have a feeling my food choices are about to change for a bit. 

I promise I'll get better at documenting my food. 

And then look who showed up at grandmas house! 

I adore this child. Her dad is alright to I guess. Sonny Boy and family are in town to visit for a few days. The other three kids stayed in El Paso spending time with cousins. I love family time don't you? 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

#26 J.A.M + Being Vertical

This morning walking into work I was greeted by a very nice gentleman who was working in the parking lot demo.  He greeted me "good morning" and asked how I was this fine day? I replied with my usual "I'm fantastic. Just livin' the dream. And how are you?". His response made me laugh out loud. He said " Oh just J.A.M ing"? "Jamming" I replied, "that sounds fun".   He said yes "Just Another Monday".

I proceeded to tell him, "Well I love Monday's, another one is just a blessing in disguise.", which then made him laugh.  Walking towards the office building I told him to "have a great day and remember any day we are vertical and breathing is a blessing".  I could hear a distant "AMEN" as the doors behind me began to close.

Every day is a good day. Sometimes it's just wearing a Monday disguise.

#25 New Hire Day

Lookie Lookie y'all at what happened today. It's official! I work for Baylor University...benefits and all.

God really does hear our prayers and he knows just when to answer them.

After work it was off to turn the madness that is Magnolia. Lord have mercy there sure are tons of people who come out to see this. I wonder if in their wildest dreams, Chip and Joanna could have imagined how big this would get. Now y'all know I love me some cupcakes (fat girl problems) but there is no way on earth I will wait in a line for 2 hours to get one. I will just have to take the word of others that they are amazing.  That line is just too long y'all.

My sister is heading back home tomorrow and that makes me sad. The hardest part of moving to Texas is leaving my crazy, loud, hot mess of a family back in California. Gosh I miss y'all.

P.S. My son will be here on Friday for a few days. Man O man I feel so thankful to have back to back visitors.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

#24 Stormy Sunday

Today was our second day of site seeing. First we headed for Torchy's for tacos.

picture via Google (I forgot to document my plate sorry)

They were so so good. We were all now fueled and ready to shop at Spice Village.

via Google

via Google

OH MY WORD!! This place was amazing!! There will definitely be a return trip happening soon. So many little shops to choose from but all under one roof. There is a candle there that I must have.

via Google ( I must get better about documenting my days)

Then we headed out for the southern scenic tour. We went through Crawford where G.W.  and the Gains family live. We didn't stalk their houses or anything. It's an adorable town for sure.  We headed all the way out to Gainsville (Not related to the Gains family of Magnolia...yet) and then East to Temple. On our way back to Waco the rain began to pour. We couldn't see anything. Thank goodness for this place.

via Google (Parking lot was packed. It was madness)

Then we headed back to Riesel.  My sister got the full experience of what Central Texas looks like and what there is to do and see. I am so glad she made the trip to come see us. Boy will I miss her when she heads back to Cali on Tuesday. 

Until tomorrow...

P.S. Tomorrow is my first official day as a permanent full time employee at Baylor. God is just too good to me. 

Monday, June 26, 2017

#23 Weekend Visitors

So my precious mama and sister arrived in town on Friday. I can't tell y'all how excited I am to share my Waco Town with my family in hopes that they fall in love with it just as much as I have. Saturday started out with this.

I'm sure hearing phone alarms going off all over the house at almost 5:00 AM was not a settling feeling for either of them. I do think for myself though that we are getting more acclimated to the Texas weather. I grabbed my phone to see what the alert was. Yup no tornado, so back to sleep it was. I might have shown just a little more sensitivity for our house guests...Next time for sure.

Then we had a lazy morning around the house before heading out to see the sites.  We started out at Magnolia and quickly decided that we would NOT be visiting today. It's amazing and mind boggling at exactly how many people come to see this.

Next was the suspension bridge and Cameron Park which I did not take pictures of for some reason.  Yes lame I know.

Then off to Lake Waco.

This picture does not do it justice. I can't get over how beautiful central Texas is and just how many things there are to do.

All the time we were out seeing the sites, she was texting pictures to her family back in California. I foresee another trip with her whole family in our future. Did I mention how much I love showing off my little piece of Texas? Family if you haven't thought about visiting yet...well you should just go on ahead and start planning your trip. We can't wait to have y'all. 

Then it was time to show her some Texas Bar-B-Que, so off to Rudy's we went. I love their loaded potatoes can you tell? 

And of course there was some Texas beer to go right along with it.  Boy did we eat. It was so GOOD!

not sure why this pic is so dark? 

I think she is a fan

Tomorrow and Monday there will be more sight seeing to do. Gosh how full is my heart. Sharing this with one of most favorite people in the world and seeing how much she enjoyed it as well. That is really something fine if you ask me. 

Until tomorrow...

P.S. I am having some difficulty uploading my journal.  This is a work in progress but know that I am writing every day. You just might not be seeing them on FB until a day or so later. I hope you all are being able to find the GOOD STUFF in your days as well. 

Friday, June 23, 2017

#22 Ordinary Thursday + Magic-in-the-mundane

Nothing particularly great happened today. Just drifting through my ordinary Thursday.

There was some of this

And even more of this

Then came this!

I wonder how many ordinary Thursdays have passed by where I wasn't looking for the "GOOD STUFF" in that day like I am now?  Where I just floated through not noticing all the magic happening around me.

Driving home this song came on. It's been a favorite of mine for years. I've even made up my own words to it, making more personal.

Note to self, clean dashboard and display screen in car...gross. (Just keeping it real y'all)

I am Muriel's granddaughter
The spitting image of my mother
And when the day is done
My Mister's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends who love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me and that's who I am 

All of these things combined made me realize just how unordinary our days are. Y'all there is so much magic-in-the-mundane once we start looking for it.  I hope you find your magic in ordinary Thursdays.

Till tomorrow...

P.S. Tomorrow is my last day as a temp at Baylor!!

P.P.S Mama and my sister are heading for Texas. Please keep them in your prayers for a safe journey. I can't wait to show off my Wacotown. Have I mentioned how much I love Texas?

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

#21 What do you want?

Mister tells me that I can never answer a question with just a yes or no.  I don't think he fully understands the elaborate maze of organized chaos that is my mind. The Hot Mess Express as I affectionately refer to it. But I digress...he is correct. Yes or No, Black or White are hard for me.

On my way to work for the last week or so, I have been listening to Podcasts about this very thing. What Makes You Happy and Breathing Room are both series by Andy Stanley. I love things that help me to figure out my own mess of a life. Lets me know I am not the only person who feels this way. Don't you often feel when you are in the midst of your own craziness of life, that you are maybe somewhat alone in your feelings?  That nobody else could possible be this messed up? Well I sure do. So listening and reading things like this really help me put into perspective how normal and most times trivial my issues are. On Friday while driving to work and finishing the last of Breathing Room series, I could feel God really speaking to me. Asking "What Do You Want?"

In true Laurie form I couldn't answer. I want lots of things but then..nothing at all really. Are you asking for fantasy dream wants or practical necessary needs wants? I instantly felt overwhelmed and confused by the question. Again I could hear him as if he was in the seat next to me ask " What Do You Want?" my mind began racing thinking of this thing or a different thing. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!!" I would swear to you I could hear the aggravation in his voice. "Dangit Laurie W H A you want! What do you want?

I couldn't answer. I could feel the tears begin to roll down my cheeks. I don't know! I can't ask? There are too many to list. I don't know? It's wrong to ask! And there is was my friends. It feels wrong for me to ask God for things...stuff. Why is it that we are so afraid to ask our Father, the one who loves us most, for things? I've never been good at asking for anything. I'm like my mama it that regard. I will take and love whatever comes to me.

So today I am working this out. I am making lists. (Have I mentioned I love lists? If not, well I DO) I am writing down my hopes and dreams for our finances, our family, our home, travel, you name it . Tonight I want to share those things with Mister. You know have a meeting of the minds. A state of the UNION if you will. Ah I like that word Union. The coming together of the minds. I don't know where this goes next but I can tell you that I am excited about the future. I'm making plans for the first time in a very long time. Hope is an amazing cure for what ails you. Hope lifts you. Hope floats (another great movie)  all possibilities to the top.

Life is so short folks. Wouldn't it be great if we just went out and lived it instead of hiding from it? Living this day to day stuff, trying to make it through till tomorrow is not going to cut it any longer.

Cheers to making list of Dreams & Wants.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

#20 Sic 'em Bears


Y'all I finally have news on the job front. Today I got the formal offer for my promotion to full time permanent staff! God is so good. He knows what we need and exactly when we need it. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

#19 Mortal Combat + Orientation + Just call me Grace

 I have the best conversations with my co workers.  Today while setting up for incoming freshman orientation, the strangest conversation just organically happened.  I was explaining how gravity and I don't get along very well (just call me Grace). The best description I could come up with was how one of the characters in Mortal Combat, whom I still don't know the name of, would reach out and grab there opponent and say C O M E  H E R E (in my best deep gravely menacing voice)! That is how I described my relationship with gravity. It reaches out and grabs me and pulls me down. Always the victor, just as the character ( I really need to look this up) in the game.

That subject led to Sega Genesis and my son's ability to make almost any game work until the inevitable death of the beloved console. That segwayed into Billy Ray Cyrus ( I have no idea so don't ask) and Achy Breaky Heart. (Still don't remember how or why). Which then immediately led to I'll be Your Crying Shoulder by Edwin  McCain. (I think it was the Goo Goo Dolls but got shot down quickly).

We have these amazing conversations where I am almost always assured a learning experience of some type.

Have I mentioned just how much I love where I work. Day's like this it's like meeting up with old friends over drinks. Well except no drinks. That would be so inappropriate.

So until tomorrow my sweet readers...

P.S. Now to figure out if it was this ?
Or This ?

And I'll be your crying shoulder

I'll be love's suicide
And I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life.

 PPS  Now I want to watch Cruel Intentions for some reason

#18 Yard Work + Steak Dinner

Lookie Lookie! Can you believe this here went from this...

May 26th 

To this!

June 18th 

My Mister sure does have a green thumb. I can't wait until we can have fresh green beans and okra.

After several hours of working in the yard, we came inside to cool off and start prepping for STEAK dinner.  Y'all I don't know how he does it but Mr. Gentry can grill! His tri tip in on a whole other level. Sadly Texas doesn't seem to care much for that cut of meat so it is really hard to find. Like Jimmy Hoffa hard to find. We did find a little butcher shop down the road that carries them.  Lawd it's an expensive cut of meat here in Texas! I need to figure out how to pack and ship meat so my Cali family can send it on over when it's on sale.

In other news, today is Father's Day. I am so profoundly glad that I have so many men in my life that set amazing examples of what Fathers should be. I am blessed beyond measure for their love. I thank God often for the love my husband has for his children.  He is a great dad!

Wishing all you fathers out there a day filled with good food, great music and family. After all those are all the GOOD things in life.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

#17 Yard Work + Laverty's

Sorry for the delayed posts. My wifi has been acting up (Country Living). However I have been writing every day.

Today was spent working in the yard and going to Laverty's.

Y'all let me tell you about Laverty's. It my kinda of junkin' heaven. They are only open once every couple of months from Thurs-Sun. Boy O Boy it is so worth the trip though. Looking for a chair and dresser for Mama's room. No luck today but Mister came away with a pretty sweet book about "Motoring to Southern California". The Imperial Valley was in it so of course we had to get it. And a commercial truck license plate from Oklahoma.

Via Google Images

I can't believe I didn't take any photos while we were there. This place is like my childhood in my grandparents furniture store. Who knew they were such pioneers of Junkin'.

Then we came home and worked in the yard. Everything grows so much faster in Texas it seems. I am so thankful for this guy

This was today's good stuff.

I hope your day was filled with good stuff as well. 

Night Y'all

#16 Yellow Mart + Mizunos + Brothers

Let me tell you about a guy I love.  NO it's not Mister (although I am pretty infatuated with him as well)
This particular guy took me to this store in El Centro, CA 

(The El Centro location closed years ago so the Indio picture will have to do. The sign is the same thought I think??)

To buy me this brand of cleats 

Boy I felt like somethin' real fine walking into my first varsity softball practice, in my first year of high school, with my first real pair of cleats.

This guy right here made it all possible.

He motivated me to be the best player I could be. We started practicing in November before spring sign ups even started. 

He believed in me! He pushed me! 

He took an average at best outfielder, and helped her become a solid first string catcher. I never thought I could do it. I didn't think I had the strength, speed or arm to handle that position. HE DID! 
We practiced and practiced, then practiced more. He took me along to all his adult league games at night insuring I knew everything about the game. A game we both loved. We watched the Rockies and Braves play on TV whenever we could. He didn't have to do any of this. He filled a roll in a teenage girls life that was not his to do. He was always there for the important stuff. Always making sure we had everything we needed. To me you are my GOOD STUFF! 

Happy Fathers Day Brotha. You're a great man, father, brother, uncle and friend a girl could have. Also you make pretty bomb tacos and salsa. That is good stuff also. 

Until tomorrow my friends. 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

#15 Chewing the rope

So every now and again I like to look at my horoscope. It's hokey I know and I totally don't believe in it. BUT this happened and it hit home in so many ways.

For the last several months I have had this feeling. Like I am in the awesome place in my life but I'm tied to a stake if you will. It feels as though you can't go left or right. Straight ahead is blocked off. It's like I am in a holding pattern. Not being able to move in any direction. Life was passing me by even thought I am ready to run over the fields and hills.  Well my friends, over the last few weeks I have been chewing the rope. My O My how things have changed.  Work changes and promotions are on the horizon. Financial burdens are working themselves out. I have even began planning some remodel for our house (Next year it WILL happen). 

This journal has reminded me of all the amazing things that have, and are, happening around me daily. Moved my focus to the GOOD STUFF.  

I know this post is probably boring to you today but for me it was as if God himself sent me a letter. (I love getting letters. I just sent some out in the mail today) 


The End

P.S. GOOD STUFF is happening on the job front. I am beyond giddy but I have to wait for the formal offer from HR. I can't wait to share it with the world. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

#14 Forrest Daddy? Wait What!

Just another Tuesday in the Gentry house. I'll let the pictures do the talking

So Mister sent me this

Actually he texted it to me yesterday but I'm still laughing about it today. 

Then this happened

 Via Pinterest since I forgot to take a picture. Chicken Tortilla Soup...yummmmm

Then of course there was some of this

Followed by this.

Then for the next hour more Things You Didn't know about Forrest Gump 

1. Like the fact that Ice Cube and Dave Chappelle turned down the role of Bubba
2. Kurt Russell was the voice of Elvis and never got credit
3. There was no BALL in any of the ping pong. It was all CGI

And many more if your willing to spend the time looking it all up.

Have I mentioned I love this movie?

The End

Monday, June 12, 2017

#13 The smell of summer

Have you ever had a scent waft through the air and it immediately transports you to a time and place in your life?  That was the case this morning walking into work.  The lawn mowers were working at full speed, manicuring the beautiful grounds of Baylor. I can't tell you how much I love where I work. Coming from a desert community in South Eastern California, it wasn't common place to see such lush grass, perfectly pruned hedges, and flower beds of the most beautiful colors. Baylor grounds are all that and more. I still can't believe how often lawns need to be mowed 'round here. We just did ours a week ago and the lawn already looks like a thrown away child (as my granny would say).

Anyhow back to my story. Getting out of the car in the parking lot, the most amazing smell filled the air.
L O V E  the smell of freshly mowed grass. It takes me right back to my Granny's house where I spent most of my childhood (age 9 on up). You see my grandparents never had central air in their home. They had no need for such fancy newfangled devices. We had a water-cooler or swamp-cooler as it was lovingly called in our home. SWAMP is the right word for it. It left you feeling sticky and damp. It was not the best of solutions for the sweltering 110 +  temperatures that radiated our little Imperial Valley from May - October. However, there was this sweet spot time of year. Right at the beginning of Spring and again in October where that swamp-cooler worked like a champ. It DID the job!

Back to mowed lawns. During those aforementioned sweet spots, there were these magical days, usually on a Saturday, where the swamp-cooler was chuggin' right along and the grass was being mowed. Those two scents combined are my childhood. I don't often get to smell the two at once but there is something about the smell that immediately makes me happy...Blissfully Happy. 

 Isn't she stunning?

My Granny, how I loved to be where she was. She, I am sure, was not as fascinated with me. But gosh I adored her. She wore the most amazing red pleated skirts with white tops. Comfortable tennis shoes were her couture.  She wasn't fancy, She didn't wear makeup or jewelry. The years of field work and hard Oklahoma living shown on her face, but she was just everything to me. Most folks called her Ma Ryan or Sister Ryan (it's a church thang. My uncle calls my mama Sister Freeman to this day. Isn't that adorable?). Now Granny wore White Shoulders another scent that takes me back to a place of safety and happiness.

Granny also smoked Tareyton 100's (She would die all over if she knew I was telling y'all. She was a bathroom smoker. She kept it on the low low). However, those two smells combined are H E A V E N to me.

Isn't it amazing how scents and memories. things and places make us comfortable, familiar and secure?
Do you have favorite smells and/or scents? I would love to know what they are.  There are so many others well worth mentioning, I am sure some that I have forgotten all about.

 I walked into work with a renewed smile on my face. Carrying those people, and smells, and places closely to my heart, where they will always live. Where I can be reminded of them on a dreaded Monday morning getting ready to adult.  These my friends are most definitely the GOOD THINGS. I hope somewhere today you were reminded of how precious and amazing life really is. That you were able to recall all your good things as well.

Until tomorrow...

P.S. Mister smells like Diesel, Old Spice and Marlboro's...swoon ( I know again with that word)

Sunday, June 11, 2017

#11 - #12 Naps & Pollo Bowles & Movies

I'm barely on day 11 and already missed a day. W H A T  a hot mess I can be.

Yesterday was such a lazy day. I had every intention of posting by the end of the day. My sleep patterns however had other plans for me. I took not one but TWO naps. Can you believe that?

I guess for whatever reason, I was one tired girl. They were glorious naps though. First one was  on the couch early afternoon. The fan above me was whirring right along sending down a breeze that can only be described as...well I can't think of the proper word but it was magical. It made me chilly but comfortable. Before I knew it and hour had slipped by.

 (Internet Picture of the actual Chipotle Chicken Bowl. I'll share the recipe sometime. So Good Y'all)

After making an early dinner (Pollo Bowls YUM), I sat down once again on the couch and felt exhausted. Like I hadn't slept in days. I nodded off AGAIN for almost two hours this round. By 7:30 I was wide awake. I fished what was left of the house chores, the ones I hadn't gotten to in my previous hours of consciousness.  By Nine I was flipping through the channels to see if anything good was on TV. I found two movies that caught my attention. I couldn't decided between either so I recorded them both. Thank goodness because I was asleep by 10:00?? What is wrong with me?

Today (Sunday) was another lazy day. Nothing worth mentioning except, I watched both the movies from last night.

The first was Free State Of Jones. It was a really well written movie with Matthew McConaughey.  Check it out when you have some time. It's a total departure from his "All right, all right, all right" characters. Reminded me a lot of his acting in "A Time To Kill". Two thumbs up Mr. McConaughey.

The second was my favorite. The Accountant with Ben Affleck. GREAT movie!! Not what I expected AT ALL. It had action. It made me laugh. It was endearing was also about a person with Autism. That I can get on board with every time. I hope there is a sequel. I would give this a three thumbs up if I had another hand.

This was the extent of my weekend. Lazy days of summer are Good Things. We all need them from time to time. I goes against my neurotic nature to take naps. There are too many things that could get done in that wasted time. It's good to waste some time every now and again.

No movement to mention on the job front but I know good things are just around the corner.

Until tomorrow my sweet friends. 

Friday, June 9, 2017

#10 Raisin' Kids

Do you ever wonder how you did as a parent? I lie awake some nights wondering just how badly I screwed my kids up. Cause you know, all problems are solved between midnight and 3 AM.
We were just kids when we had our first child Christopher. We had no clue what we were doing AT ALL!  Had our second child at 22 and still not a clue. We did the best we could with what he had...When knew better, we did better.

Driving home today I was flooded with a sense of peace in my life. It's all going to be OK!!
We did a good job!

So many memories and pictures began to flash through my mind. As a gentle rain fell and the most perfect song was playing on the radio, this is what came to mind. These images are etched on my heart.

Our fist born Chris with his 3'rd child (Lil Billy).

Our second and LAST child (Lord knew the world couldn't handle one more Gentry child) Taylor. 

Chris and his amazing wife Diana

Lexi, God's most perfect gift to us

Then there is Grandson (aka Jacob) Those eyes will pierce your soul. 

Oh Billy Boy

 He's still all about Christmas

Again with the die for right?

Last but not least Dori. This is forever my favorite picture. This is what JOY looks like. Nothing slows her down.

God hears our prayers y'all. He knows the desires of our hearts. 

This is everything. This is the GOOD STUFF!!

Until tomorrow my sweet friends