Monday, June 5, 2017

#6 Mitford & April Fools

Good thing #1
I like to read. I am a somewhat slow reader compared to Mister. He can get ravage through a book in a day or two, I have three half read on my nightstand that have been there for 6 months. I guess some would say that I possibly don't like it all that much.  I honestly do enjoy reading but I dread getting to the end of the book. I have invested all this energy into imagining what they look like, how their home would smell the first time I walked in (weird I know), where are they now, are they still in love, did the four best friends go on another summer girls trip? It puts me into a total "Misery" downward spiral!!
The very fist book I ever set and read non stop was Are you there God? It's me Margaret. I was 13. After over 30 years, I still have questions!  Did she marry her crush? Did the brace help her scoliosis? Is she still talking to her bra? Is she still friends with Nancy her neighbor, Gretchen and Jane? Crazy I know. So I am giving this whole reading thing another shot by starting the Mitford series.  There are 14 books so this could be my answer. Fingers crossed the characters are as interesting as the reviews claim.

Good Thing #2
A coworker that I didn't even know I was friends with on Facebook asked me today why I call the blog     "Just a couple of April Fools". Wait? What? First off, let me tell ya I was totally shocked that anyone at all reads this silly thing. I was totally flattered. So I explained...

Mister and I met in high school, our sophomore year to be exact. We were inseparable after about a month. Had our son one year later (Que the gasps), and right after high school just started to live the adult life of two teenage parents with no money. We didn't get married until our second child (more shock & awe. However we did wait almost 5 years. That makes it a little more socially acceptable right? ) was almost 2 years old. We were living in Little Rock Arkansas. he was moving furniture across the country and I was working for Sears. The total American dream right? He came in on April 1'st to pick me up for lunch since he was home for a few days. Being the total funny guy he "thinks" he is, he asked me to marry him right there in the store. Now I knew what day it was and didn't take the bait. However my coworkers and his father, who was tagging along for lunch, thought it was just too cute for words. He looked at me, I looked at him and we were both like "WHY NOT"? Off we went to the JP on my lunch hour and tied the knot. Yup, we got married on April Fools Day. I always tell him "So who's the fool now? Still think your funny?  I went back to work and that night we had Sonic for dinner with both kids and his dad. The rest is the stuff of novels...horror, drama and tragic novels LOL. He is my knight in shinning armor. He is my best friend. He is my everything. He's my Mister.

So now you know why this blog is named what it is. I promised God 365 days of "Good Things". My life with Mister is a really Good Thing.

Night Y'all...

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