Sunday, June 11, 2017

#11 - #12 Naps & Pollo Bowles & Movies

I'm barely on day 11 and already missed a day. W H A T  a hot mess I can be.

Yesterday was such a lazy day. I had every intention of posting by the end of the day. My sleep patterns however had other plans for me. I took not one but TWO naps. Can you believe that?

I guess for whatever reason, I was one tired girl. They were glorious naps though. First one was  on the couch early afternoon. The fan above me was whirring right along sending down a breeze that can only be described as...well I can't think of the proper word but it was magical. It made me chilly but comfortable. Before I knew it and hour had slipped by.

 (Internet Picture of the actual Chipotle Chicken Bowl. I'll share the recipe sometime. So Good Y'all)

After making an early dinner (Pollo Bowls YUM), I sat down once again on the couch and felt exhausted. Like I hadn't slept in days. I nodded off AGAIN for almost two hours this round. By 7:30 I was wide awake. I fished what was left of the house chores, the ones I hadn't gotten to in my previous hours of consciousness.  By Nine I was flipping through the channels to see if anything good was on TV. I found two movies that caught my attention. I couldn't decided between either so I recorded them both. Thank goodness because I was asleep by 10:00?? What is wrong with me?

Today (Sunday) was another lazy day. Nothing worth mentioning except, I watched both the movies from last night.

The first was Free State Of Jones. It was a really well written movie with Matthew McConaughey.  Check it out when you have some time. It's a total departure from his "All right, all right, all right" characters. Reminded me a lot of his acting in "A Time To Kill". Two thumbs up Mr. McConaughey.

The second was my favorite. The Accountant with Ben Affleck. GREAT movie!! Not what I expected AT ALL. It had action. It made me laugh. It was endearing was also about a person with Autism. That I can get on board with every time. I hope there is a sequel. I would give this a three thumbs up if I had another hand.

This was the extent of my weekend. Lazy days of summer are Good Things. We all need them from time to time. I goes against my neurotic nature to take naps. There are too many things that could get done in that wasted time. It's good to waste some time every now and again.

No movement to mention on the job front but I know good things are just around the corner.

Until tomorrow my sweet friends. 

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