Sunday, June 4, 2017


Yesterday was a free fishing day in Texas. Anyone could fish without a fishing license for that day only. Well you know we were all over that. The Mister and I love to fish. I wouldn't say that either of us is very good at it but we love it none the less. So today I could join in on the fun as well without the worry of getting in trouble ( I'm cheap and won't spend the money for my own license).

We got up early having made all the plans the night before. First, we needed to head into town (Waco) to get a new battery for the car. It was time for a new one and it had been giving me fits all week. It was a quick and kind of expensive first stop. Why do batteries need to be cost so much? Then we were on our way. Now by this time it was already almost 10:00 AM and we decided that the our primo location, decided on the night before, was probably already swarming with rods, reels and eager anglers. So we made our way back to good ole HWY 6 and headed for Tradinghouse Lake. Later in the day we learned it also goes by TP&E. (It's always good to learn the lingo 'round here).

We surveyed the land and found our spot. Unloaded the car, set up gear and waited to land our first BIG FISH of the season. We waited eagerly, then patiently, then not so patiently. Fish were biting but we weren't catching. They're sneaky little buggers. Good thing I had the foresight to purchase this month edition of Better Homes & Gardens. I was sure it would come in handy soon since my patience was running a little thin.

As I have told you in early posts (you know cause I've been doing this forever) we get clouds and WEATHER pretty quickly in central Texas, and here they came. The wind picked up a little which felt amazing. Then that all to familiar amazing scent started wafting over the lake. Rain was on it's way.

Some of the boaters knew it as well. They started coming in one after the other. We decided the locals may know more the us, so we packed up. Thank goodness we did since about 5 minutes after we were in the car it started to pour.  Our fishing day had come to an end.

On our drive back to good ole HWY 6 and home, the radio was hitting all the best songs and then this came on...

"A long long time ago
I can still remember how
That music used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while"

American Pie always makes me happy and just a little sad. It is one of my all time favorite songs. As we drove down the back road heading "HOME", we couldn't help but notice how much more beautiful it seemed to be today.

It still surprises me that I live here. This is HOME.

Isn't it something that this is just behind our house. You know the one in the residential neighborhood??

Then came our turn. It seems so much more picturesque now than it had on the our first drive down this road.

Not the best photo since it is still raining just a little but this is the entrance to our neighborhood. (Teacher Row as some call it. Again it's important to know the lingo. We are trying to fit in. Assimilation is key)

Then on to good ole Canton Ln. 

Hard to believe this is just to the left of the road. It makes for a great view out of my computer room window as I sit here and type this.

And here is the curve right before you see it...Our home. Our little piece of Texas heaven. It's it just grand?

God really knew what he was doing here don't ya think. (Ignore the trash can..get it together Gentry's. We're ruining the neighborhood)

It hasn't been easy. Leaving everyone we love to follow our heart. Changing the narrative of your life is never easy but it is always worth it when God is doing the writing.  

And the three men I admire most
The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died
And they were singing

Bye, bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
And them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die

Since this was all yesterday, today's GOOD thing is watching BIG FISH tonight. I haven't seen it in forever and it always makes me cry. Till tomorrow my sweet family and friends.


  1. I'm coming for you sister.....Yeah, I want to be a Texas girl too! Can you find me a winery to purchase?? Get on it girl!...It'll be beneficial for both of us.....UmmmHmmmm

  2. Hahaha Come on with it then. I had a dream the other night that we had picnic tables set up out in out "Football" field with a swing-set for the kids. There were tons of family there. It was glorious!! Oh wouldn't it be grand if God put this dream in everyone I love the most hearts? We will call it the Great Migration lol.
