Saturday, June 17, 2017

#17 Yard Work + Laverty's

Sorry for the delayed posts. My wifi has been acting up (Country Living). However I have been writing every day.

Today was spent working in the yard and going to Laverty's.

Y'all let me tell you about Laverty's. It my kinda of junkin' heaven. They are only open once every couple of months from Thurs-Sun. Boy O Boy it is so worth the trip though. Looking for a chair and dresser for Mama's room. No luck today but Mister came away with a pretty sweet book about "Motoring to Southern California". The Imperial Valley was in it so of course we had to get it. And a commercial truck license plate from Oklahoma.

Via Google Images

I can't believe I didn't take any photos while we were there. This place is like my childhood in my grandparents furniture store. Who knew they were such pioneers of Junkin'.

Then we came home and worked in the yard. Everything grows so much faster in Texas it seems. I am so thankful for this guy

This was today's good stuff.

I hope your day was filled with good stuff as well. 

Night Y'all

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