Monday, June 19, 2017

#18 Yard Work + Steak Dinner

Lookie Lookie! Can you believe this here went from this...

May 26th 

To this!

June 18th 

My Mister sure does have a green thumb. I can't wait until we can have fresh green beans and okra.

After several hours of working in the yard, we came inside to cool off and start prepping for STEAK dinner.  Y'all I don't know how he does it but Mr. Gentry can grill! His tri tip in on a whole other level. Sadly Texas doesn't seem to care much for that cut of meat so it is really hard to find. Like Jimmy Hoffa hard to find. We did find a little butcher shop down the road that carries them.  Lawd it's an expensive cut of meat here in Texas! I need to figure out how to pack and ship meat so my Cali family can send it on over when it's on sale.

In other news, today is Father's Day. I am so profoundly glad that I have so many men in my life that set amazing examples of what Fathers should be. I am blessed beyond measure for their love. I thank God often for the love my husband has for his children.  He is a great dad!

Wishing all you fathers out there a day filled with good food, great music and family. After all those are all the GOOD things in life.

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