Friday, June 9, 2017

#10 Raisin' Kids

Do you ever wonder how you did as a parent? I lie awake some nights wondering just how badly I screwed my kids up. Cause you know, all problems are solved between midnight and 3 AM.
We were just kids when we had our first child Christopher. We had no clue what we were doing AT ALL!  Had our second child at 22 and still not a clue. We did the best we could with what he had...When knew better, we did better.

Driving home today I was flooded with a sense of peace in my life. It's all going to be OK!!
We did a good job!

So many memories and pictures began to flash through my mind. As a gentle rain fell and the most perfect song was playing on the radio, this is what came to mind. These images are etched on my heart.

Our fist born Chris with his 3'rd child (Lil Billy).

Our second and LAST child (Lord knew the world couldn't handle one more Gentry child) Taylor. 

Chris and his amazing wife Diana

Lexi, God's most perfect gift to us

Then there is Grandson (aka Jacob) Those eyes will pierce your soul. 

Oh Billy Boy

 He's still all about Christmas

Again with the die for right?

Last but not least Dori. This is forever my favorite picture. This is what JOY looks like. Nothing slows her down.

God hears our prayers y'all. He knows the desires of our hearts. 

This is everything. This is the GOOD STUFF!!

Until tomorrow my sweet friends

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