Friday, June 2, 2017

#3 Clouds + Crepe Myrtles

Walking outside after dinner I was greeted with this. 

Isn't it beautiful? Like God is kinda just showing off. As if I can almost reach out and touch these billowy, magical puffs that fill the air with the most amazing scent. 
Why do I suddenly want a moon pie?

I still haven't gotten used to watching the clouds roll in, making me full aware that I am now in the land of WEATHER!  

Weather!! Where the most beautiful sunshine can change within minutes. That gentle breeze turns a little more ominous and there is a shift in the air. Suddenly, those billowy clouds of puff grow grey and dark.
Still thinking about a Moon Pie! (Pull it together woman)

Watching this all happen in the span of about thirty minutes makes me fully aware that today's good thing is. The rain waited until I was home. Safe. Dry.  And with my Mister. The only place I ever want to be. Today's GOOD thing is HOME! 
Our Texas home. Where even if the wind howls and the rain falls, we are right where we are supposed to be.

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