Friday, June 30, 2017

#27 Tummy Time + Lexi

Sad to say but my tummy is still not feeling at it's best. Food is not my friend at the time, but this journal is my happy place so let me tell you about the most amazing soup I had today. It was Italian Wedding soup with the most amazing meatball. Those meatball y'all...I think we should be Facebook official.  This had to be in my top 10 best soups of all time. I hope it's served on a frequent rotation.I love having access to the dining halls at work!!  Full time permanent has it's perks.  The Jello was...just jello. Nothing fancy about that. However my stomach did hurt less after eating softer food. I have a feeling my food choices are about to change for a bit. 

I promise I'll get better at documenting my food. 

And then look who showed up at grandmas house! 

I adore this child. Her dad is alright to I guess. Sonny Boy and family are in town to visit for a few days. The other three kids stayed in El Paso spending time with cousins. I love family time don't you? 

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