Thursday, June 1, 2017

#2 Gus McCrae & Excedrin

Have you ever woken from a deep sleep, you know, the one where you are sure at least 3 days have passed by? That's what is was like for me at 3:30 this morning. However, it followed with a terrible headache that I just could not seem to shake by the time I should have been out the door to work. It is not very often that I miss a day of work. My sweet mama always said "if you can drag yourself out of bed, then you can make it through the day at work" (She's a rock star like that).
There was to be no dragging out of bed until around 9:00. I drug myself as far as the couch. My headache wouldn't let me sleep, so the only logical thing for me to do was turn on Lonesome Dove. Isn't it just the best movie ever? If you haven't seen it yet you must!!  Wait until you have at least 8 hours to devote to it. I promise you won't regret it.
Oh Gus McCrae!! He ranks right up there in my top three of teen age/young adult crushes.
"Lorie Darlin" he would say...swoon. (Do people still say swoon?) 
I'm so glad that my MISTER indulges my silly school girl crushes.

James Garner, Tom Selleck and Robert Duvall. I apparently have a thing for men who are at least twice my age? Strange I know. Anyhow, after taking some Excedrin and slipping in and out of sleep, I have completed all 4 episodes. Now mind you, I did this while our very own real life Gus McCrae snoozed and snored right beside me on the floor. Yes, I took my silly teenage crush to a whole new level and named our bulldog Augustus McCrae. Gus for short, or FATTY as we all affectionately call him. He is the most stubborn, adorable, ladies man you have ever seen. He's got that something special if you know what I mean.  Isn't he just something? He is the epitome of "Hot Mess Express" but we love him so. He has a birthday coming up this weekend! He has made it to the old age of 5 and neither of us has killed the other yet...YET.

Remember to always find the GOOD in each day. It's off to bed early for this girl and her hot mess. He's already snoring.


  1. You sure the excedrin wasn't needed because of Gus-Gus? Love these..

  2. That could be true. He's such a hot mess just like his owner.
