Wednesday, June 28, 2017

#25 New Hire Day

Lookie Lookie y'all at what happened today. It's official! I work for Baylor University...benefits and all.

God really does hear our prayers and he knows just when to answer them.

After work it was off to turn the madness that is Magnolia. Lord have mercy there sure are tons of people who come out to see this. I wonder if in their wildest dreams, Chip and Joanna could have imagined how big this would get. Now y'all know I love me some cupcakes (fat girl problems) but there is no way on earth I will wait in a line for 2 hours to get one. I will just have to take the word of others that they are amazing.  That line is just too long y'all.

My sister is heading back home tomorrow and that makes me sad. The hardest part of moving to Texas is leaving my crazy, loud, hot mess of a family back in California. Gosh I miss y'all.

P.S. My son will be here on Friday for a few days. Man O man I feel so thankful to have back to back visitors.

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