Thursday, June 15, 2017

#15 Chewing the rope

So every now and again I like to look at my horoscope. It's hokey I know and I totally don't believe in it. BUT this happened and it hit home in so many ways.

For the last several months I have had this feeling. Like I am in the awesome place in my life but I'm tied to a stake if you will. It feels as though you can't go left or right. Straight ahead is blocked off. It's like I am in a holding pattern. Not being able to move in any direction. Life was passing me by even thought I am ready to run over the fields and hills.  Well my friends, over the last few weeks I have been chewing the rope. My O My how things have changed.  Work changes and promotions are on the horizon. Financial burdens are working themselves out. I have even began planning some remodel for our house (Next year it WILL happen). 

This journal has reminded me of all the amazing things that have, and are, happening around me daily. Moved my focus to the GOOD STUFF.  

I know this post is probably boring to you today but for me it was as if God himself sent me a letter. (I love getting letters. I just sent some out in the mail today) 


The End

P.S. GOOD STUFF is happening on the job front. I am beyond giddy but I have to wait for the formal offer from HR. I can't wait to share it with the world. 

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