Tuesday, June 13, 2017

#14 Forrest Daddy? Wait What!

Just another Tuesday in the Gentry house. I'll let the pictures do the talking

So Mister sent me this

Actually he texted it to me yesterday but I'm still laughing about it today. 

Then this happened

 Via Pinterest since I forgot to take a picture. Chicken Tortilla Soup...yummmmm

Then of course there was some of this

Followed by this.

Then for the next hour more Things You Didn't know about Forrest Gump 

1. Like the fact that Ice Cube and Dave Chappelle turned down the role of Bubba
2. Kurt Russell was the voice of Elvis and never got credit
3. There was no BALL in any of the ping pong. It was all CGI

And many more if your willing to spend the time looking it all up.

Have I mentioned I love this movie?

The End

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