Wednesday, June 28, 2017

#26 J.A.M + Being Vertical

This morning walking into work I was greeted by a very nice gentleman who was working in the parking lot demo.  He greeted me "good morning" and asked how I was this fine day? I replied with my usual "I'm fantastic. Just livin' the dream. And how are you?". His response made me laugh out loud. He said " Oh just J.A.M ing"? "Jamming" I replied, "that sounds fun".   He said yes "Just Another Monday".

I proceeded to tell him, "Well I love Monday's, another one is just a blessing in disguise.", which then made him laugh.  Walking towards the office building I told him to "have a great day and remember any day we are vertical and breathing is a blessing".  I could hear a distant "AMEN" as the doors behind me began to close.

Every day is a good day. Sometimes it's just wearing a Monday disguise.


  1. J.A.M. going to have to remember that one...

    1. Poor Monday always getting a bad rap. It's just misunderstood that's all. Maybe that is why I love them so much.
