Tuesday, June 6, 2017

#7 You've Got Mail

I love getting handwritten mail!! Snail mail as it's called now. I adore it! Someone took the time to put down their thoughts on paper, in their own words. It's the absolute best thing ever in my opinion. The other day I found a note on my desk from a student worker. It was adorable and endearing. It made me feel ever so special.

Tonight when I was thinking of what to write about since today was kind of a crappy day.  That note came back to my mind. How special it made me feel at a time in my life when I am feeling anything but. As I sat back in my chair pondering the GOOD stuff, there it was right in front of my face.

 These little gems were given to me in the last year or so. I treasure them dearly. They make my heart smile. They are the GOOD STUFF.

(Not sure why they are yellow but alas technology is not my friend today)

Every single day, do something that makes your heart sing. Yes that is absolutely a good thing and some great advice to follow. 

Nite y'all and keep an eye out in your mailbox, there just might be some snail mail headed your way. 

Side note, You've Got Mail is in the top 10 of my favorite movies. 

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