Friday, June 23, 2017

#22 Ordinary Thursday + Magic-in-the-mundane

Nothing particularly great happened today. Just drifting through my ordinary Thursday.

There was some of this

And even more of this

Then came this!

I wonder how many ordinary Thursdays have passed by where I wasn't looking for the "GOOD STUFF" in that day like I am now?  Where I just floated through not noticing all the magic happening around me.

Driving home this song came on. It's been a favorite of mine for years. I've even made up my own words to it, making more personal.

Note to self, clean dashboard and display screen in car...gross. (Just keeping it real y'all)

I am Muriel's granddaughter
The spitting image of my mother
And when the day is done
My Mister's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends who love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me and that's who I am 

All of these things combined made me realize just how unordinary our days are. Y'all there is so much magic-in-the-mundane once we start looking for it.  I hope you find your magic in ordinary Thursdays.

Till tomorrow...

P.S. Tomorrow is my last day as a temp at Baylor!!

P.P.S Mama and my sister are heading for Texas. Please keep them in your prayers for a safe journey. I can't wait to show off my Wacotown. Have I mentioned how much I love Texas?

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