Tuesday, June 27, 2017

#24 Stormy Sunday

Today was our second day of site seeing. First we headed for Torchy's for tacos.

picture via Google (I forgot to document my plate sorry)

They were so so good. We were all now fueled and ready to shop at Spice Village.

via Google

via Google

OH MY WORD!! This place was amazing!! There will definitely be a return trip happening soon. So many little shops to choose from but all under one roof. There is a candle there that I must have.

via Google ( I must get better about documenting my days)

Then we headed out for the southern scenic tour. We went through Crawford where G.W.  and the Gains family live. We didn't stalk their houses or anything. It's an adorable town for sure.  We headed all the way out to Gainsville (Not related to the Gains family of Magnolia...yet) and then East to Temple. On our way back to Waco the rain began to pour. We couldn't see anything. Thank goodness for this place.

via Google (Parking lot was packed. It was madness)

Then we headed back to Riesel.  My sister got the full experience of what Central Texas looks like and what there is to do and see. I am so glad she made the trip to come see us. Boy will I miss her when she heads back to Cali on Tuesday. 

Until tomorrow...

P.S. Tomorrow is my first official day as a permanent full time employee at Baylor. God is just too good to me. 


  1. Thank you for the tour..I loved it! Gotta bring the tribe back with me and see what they think. Crawford Texas fit me perfectly..Just saying! Love Ya! <3

  2. HA yes Crawford is a great little town. Mom found one for you yesterday in Dublin, TX. Only about and hour and forty-five minutes from Waco. She said it was just a suggested post on FB but I suspect more happened there than meets the eye LOL. Love you sissy and glad you made it out of DFW unscathed.
