Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#8 Making a List Checking it twice

Today a coworker made a comment that I was "unbelievable happy" HA!! I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They went on to say that they admired my life and wished they could have their own "Living the DREAM" moment. This blew. My. Mind. 
Happy? What in the world? 
We sat and talked for a bit and I shared some things happening in my life right at that very moment. Feelings I was having, and how more day's than not, I feel like I am failing at adulting.  In the words of my all time favorite movie Forrest Gump. Life is tuff! 

It got me to thinking about all the things happening in my life and how I was dealing with them. Were my reactions and choices helping or hurting the situation? Was I trusting that God would work it all out for me. Or was I making choices in order to manipulate the outcome of my current and most pressing needs/issues. So I did what I always do and I made a list. List are awesome!! They keep me on task and let me know what still needs attention. They also make me fill productive and fulfilled by seeing those check marks and lines crossed through items. Done, done & done. This is how my brain works. 

Then my mind wandered...squirrel. This happens often and off the rails I go. 
My train of thought has just jumped tracks and heading in a completely different direction. 

What list could I make from Forrest Gump? What nuggets of pure genius could I derive from him? So...

#1 We are all different so embrace it.

#2  Giving compliments is always good

#3 Pick your battles
#4 Admit your flaws

#5 Make your peace with God
#6 Friends are forever
#7 Dr Pepper is a GOOD THING  

#8 Expect the unexpected
#9 Put the past behind you (Let go of what you can't control. This one hits waayy to close to home) 
#10 Do your very best.

"And that's all I have to say about that"

In other news, there has been more movement on the job front. I don't want to jinx it but I'm hoping for exciting news very soon!! 

Fingers + Toes crossed. 

Night Y'all 

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