Thursday, June 8, 2017

#9 Hugs

Hugs on Best Friends Day! 

 Some days we all just need a hug. Time in the arms of those that make us feel safe and loved. 

He is the best dog ever, To think that someone threw him away on a ditch bank as a puppy.
Me and this guy have been doing life together for over 8 years now.

Both by each others side when we were broken and undone. Me during back surgery recovery and him after a bad break.  Always there helping each other recover from the harshness of life.
We slept days and weeks away TOGETHER healing.
We walked miles and miles TOGETHER in recovery.  Some days we were slow and steady. Others times pushing the other past the comfort zone.

He is the most caring. Always there to lend a hand.

I love him BIG!

My Dufus thrown away puppy.

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